Our App Catalog.

Apps Available Now

  • Image of construction hard hat, blueprint, rolled up schematics, a model house and measuring tape with a hand touching a smart phone screen. - With Coming Soon banner at bottom of image.

    App Project #1 - Code Name: Terrapin

    Shhhh! We’re designing something pretty spectacular to revolutionize the Land Development Industry. Want to be part of the fun? Work in real estate development? Connect with us by clicking the ‘Stay In Touch’ button above to be part of our testing groups. Your voice matters!

  • Image of two people with hands on a blueprint drawing and pointing with a calculator on table. With Coming Soon banner at bottom of image.

    App Project #2 - Code Name: Indigo

    Some parts of real estate development are insanely tedious and manual. With approval chains that can go around the world and back again, we knew there had to be a better way. Enter this amazing app that will expedite project completion times, lower budget costs & final go/no-go decisions!

  • Image of a smiling young girl laying on stomach with knees bent reading a book with a stack of books next to her. With Coming Soon banner at bottom of image.

    App Project #3 - Code Name: Applesauce

    Our first in a series of lifestyle optimization apps that will organize an untouched area of your home, allow you to connect with others on topics you care about….and make the world a better place in the process. What’s not to love? More details will follow as we get deeper into production, so join our newsletter to get the latest updates!